Appendix 3 – Alternative Recommendation

In the event that the draft S106 Agreement has not been signed by all parties by   the date set out above, the application shall be refused for the following reasons: 

1.      The proposed development fails to provide an Employment and Training Strategy specifying how the developer or their main contractors will provide opportunities for local people to gain employment or training on the construction phase of the proposed development, contrary to Policy CP7 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One and the City Council's Developer Contributions Technical Guidance.

2.      The proposed development fails to provide a financial contribution towards the City Council's Local Employment Scheme to support local people to employment within the construction industry, contrary to Policy CP7 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One and the City Council's Developer Contributions Technical Guidance.

3.      The proposed development fails to secure mechanisms by which the Local Authority can monitor the effectiveness of the Events Management Plan, the Delivery and Servicing Management Plan and Travel Plan, contrary to Policies CP5, CP7, CP15, DM26, DM27, DM33 of City Plan Part 2.